Fashion New and Noteworthy

Good Sunday morning!  Sip your coffee while checking out what’s New and noteworthy in Fashion this week….


Fashion Walking Tours– NYC starting: Sunday, November 25, 2012 at 2 p.m.

Textile Revolution: An Exploration through Space and Time : Textile Museum Boston, MA “you’ll mingle with a herd of sheep, try your hand with a shuttle on a beautiful hand loom, and create your own textile invention on a computer. And that’s just for starters.

Stretching the Limits: Fibers in Contemporary Painting SCAD Gallery Atlanta, GA, October 22nd – February 3rd


How to Leverage the New Rules of Small Business (via Succeed As your Own Boss)

What Every Designer Working in a Startup Needs to Know (via gigaom)

Prince Charles: “Nature Can Go Hand-in-Hand with Beautiful Clothes” (via ecouterre)

Disney + Barneys electricHOLIDAY (via Styleist)


Texture Inspiration: Sachin and Babi blog

sachin and babi 

Color Inspiration! via  Nylon Magazine Insatgram 

Nylon Magazine

Gorgeous! : Print Art by Tanya Brown

Tanya brown print art

Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!