Summer is in full swing and we are experiencing the hottest time of the year right now; the warm weather has made for some great beach days! Unfortunately, too much sun isn’t the best for your skin, a lesson my friends and I were painfully reminded of after spending a little too much time seaside. Lucky for us, we keep an aloe vera plant in our apartment, and the gel made us feel much better. Aloe has become a pretty hip commodity as of late, being used not only as a skin treatment, but also in drinks, hair products, and cosmetics.
Most recently, the fashion industry has been taking notice of the aloe plant and it’s potential for use in textiles. Already, it has been incorporated into sheets for bedding with positive results. It’s a well-known fact that aloe is good for the skin and general health, so it is an intriguing idea for the plant to be incorporated into something worn on the body.
To create a textile that is soothing to the skin, fabric can now be infused with aloe vera “capsules.” These capsules are microscopic, airtight and waterproof. They open to release the gel only when the fabric is touched or rubbed. Essentially, every time an infused garment is worn, the aloe is applied to the skin. In addition to the skin benefits, aloe also adds a few interesting features to the fabric itself. It is naturally anti-bacterial; and so not only does it keep clothing cleaner, it also combats body odor.
Though aloe-infused fabrics are still a relatively new material within the industry, a few companies have begun to experiment with the idea. YOU Intelligent Clothing is a sportswear company that currently has two lines- one using silver-infused textiles (as in what jewelry is made of) and one with aloe. The skin and anti-bacterial benefits are especially ideal for active wear. Additionally, lingerie label Simone Perele released a line of bras and underwear featuring aloe-infused lace! Called “Carresence”, the collection seamlessly combines beauty and comfort- the (usually irritating) lace is better for the skin than any other part of the garment.
Aloe Vera is proving to be an exciting and beneficial textile. Is this a fabric you would consider using in your collection?
Hi Jessica,
Can aloe vera be used as a finish on fabrics apart from cotton fabrics? Is so, what fibres are most suited to aloevera finish?
People are allergic to this plant! So please please make sure all items are labeled clearly that it contains Aloe in it. And I mean labels attached to the garment not just the ones that sell the garment!
Hi jessica- i’m researching on new innovation in textiles. so I would like to know more information about this. Please can you help me out?
Thank you.
Nicole Giordano
Hi Apesksha,
Jessica is currently traveling for the next few weeks. In terms of further information or help, we reported on what we know about the textile, as we re not involved in creating it, there’s not more we know about it beyond what we wrote.
sorry we couldn’t be of more help.
Jessica Bucci
Hi Gill- depending on what you are looking for, the Body Care knit line from Eclat Textile Company includes aloe fabric, and Texollini Inc. has developed a performance fabric line containing aloe. Thanks for reading!
Gill Marquard
Hi Jessica. I am looking for manufacturers of aloe Vera fabrics. Do you know of any I can contact?