<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-59938″ src=”https://aafkwyjw.top/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/spacer-1.png” alt=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ />Have you set a tone for your mornings? I mean, beyond creating a morning routine, do you control what you allow yourself to be exposed to in the early part of the day?
Like social media, emails from customers, or anything else that can set the tone for your day.
The reason I ask is that sometimes we inadvertently put ourselves in a bad mood by allowing too much high stress or comparison or negativity to find it’s way in first thing in the morning. And that mood could stick around for the entire day, if we’re not careful.
See, whenever you’re working on something that’s proving to be successful, you will inevitably attract all kinds of people. Some of these people are amazing. Think customers who love your product and take the time to say so!
While others are not so amazing. Think customers impolitely sharing feedback.
We’ve all been there. In putting ourselves out there it’s almost as if we’re inviting people to give their opinion on what we do and how we do it. And depending on who these people are, the interaction could turn out to be less than inspiring.
So it’s really important to control what we will allow ourselves to deal with at the start of the day.
Because when it comes down to it, we’re the ones who are responsible for setting the tone for our day and if we open ourselves up to the negative, it can really impact how the next 12 to 15 hours of our life pans out.
Now, there are two categories of negativity that can infiltrate your day: serious, direct, on-purpose negativity and harmless, indirect, not-really-that-big-a-deal negativity.
The latter is made up of things like people unsubscribing from your email list or people unfollowing you in Instagram. These things can hurt a little but ultimately, they don’t matter.
Then there’s the other kind of negativity. You know, the kind that comes in the form of emails from people typing in ALL CAPS because the color of that dress in not the same as it is on the website.
This kind of negativity can actually be dangerous if you let it in.
It can cause you to doubt your work, overthink your decisions, and stop moving forward.
So you have to find a way to keep it out as much as possible.
I know that as business owners, we’re supposed to be able to separate ourselves from that stuff.
But that’s not always easy. Is it?
Well, one thing that has really helped me is to stop letting this stuff in so early in the day! When we start our days with the negative, it’s hard to pull ourselves out of it as the day goes on. The negative sort of latches onto our brains and keeps us anxious and unable to focus.
Listen, there will always be people who are determined to spread their negative vibe all over the place. If we let them, they can have a bad impact on us. There’s no way to avoid this entirely (it’s the nature of being a business) but we can try our best to block it out and forget them.
So focus on your work and why you’re doing what you’re doing! Remember what you’re working so hard to do and how we’re helping our community in whatever way our business has set out to help.
Lots of love and encouragement,