Pink Indigo Boutique Welcomes New Designers

You may or may not know this, but we here at StartUp FASHION are working very hard to become a resource destination for emerging and independent designers.  Currently, we are working to expose new designers to boutiques, both brick-mortar and digital, that love to support and highlight independent brands.

Recently, we were introduced to Pink Indigo, a chic little online boutique featuring a variety of clothing and accessories from emerging and slightly more established labels.   As we are always excited to learn about new retail outlets for designers (and we believe you are too), we asked Nikki Venus, the woman behind the business to share about about Pink Indigo and what she looks in a brand.


Pink Indigo Boutique


StUF: Are you online only for do you have a brick and mortar? If B&M, where are you located?
PI: I’m an online boutique only. No B&M as of yet. 

StUF: How long has your boutique been around?
PI: Started working on my boutique in 2009, while pregnant with my son. I launched the website July 2010. Very exciting! I currently wear all that hats for PinkIndigo! I do EVERYTHING! Hiring a summer intern soon…

StUF: What is your background in fashion? i.e. How/ why did you get started?
PI: I started Pink Indigo, LLC because I’m so passionate about fashion. I love to shop, I love to put pieces together and create great ensembles. I’ve always been the family member or friend to come to for fashion advice.

StuF: Do you buy wholesale from designers or is your policy consignment first?
PI: I buy wholesale from designers.

StUF: What do you look for in a designer?
PI: The first thing I look for in a designer is their style (collection) and see it fits into my boutiques style. I look for edgy yet glam chic. It needs to say buy me!

StUF: What is the best way for a designer to submit their lookbook or website?
PI: All designers can email their lookbook/website and line sheets to [email protected] for consideration.


Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!

  1. Brian Byrdsong

    Met Nikki of PI at an event here in GA a few months ago. Was really impressed of how “sharp” and “professional” their setup was. And the help was fantastic too, picked up a pair of earrings for the wifey. Good stuff. Go PI, much success to you…

    • Nicole

      Thanks for your feedback Brian!

      We were really excited to learn about Pink Indigo and always happy to share great resources with emerging designers. PI is definitely one of those great resources!

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