Inviting Eco Designers to Help with Fashioning Change

fashioning change

We at StartUp FASHION try to keep a well focused eye on the world of eco-fashion.  We believe it’s the direction of the industry; becoming less and less of a novelty and more and more of a necessity.  So we were excited to connect with Fashioning Change, a company based in San Diego that is making great strides in implementing green shopping into the everyday lives of fashionable consumers.

How are they doing this? Well, Fashioning Change has developed an application to make ‘green’ easy.  Their app, still in a quasi stealth mode, uses a shoppers existing personal shopping preferences to facilitate the introduction, and purchase, of eco-chic apparel choices.  Having a deep passion to support people in making a connection between an item that is purchased, the environment from which something comes from, and the people that made a garment, the Fashioning Change app includes a revolutionary function that tells a designer’s story and the lifecycle of the brand’s garments.

Now, it seems a bit vague, right?   Well, it is.  As mentioned, the app is still in it’s developmental stages but will soon be ready to launch, with a scheduled release for holiday 2011.  Presently, Fashioning Change has a call out to eco-friendly fashion and accessory labels that may be interested in being part of this revolution.  Keep in mind, though still in a quasi stealth mode, once a rapport has been built with a designer Fashioning Change works to be very open and transparent with their app and larger vision.

We were lucky to get a little behind the scenes window into what this company is cooking up and, we must say, it’s pretty darn exciting.

If you’re a brand interested in getting involved, submit your line or website here.   Be sure to visit the homepage and sign up for potential inclusion of the closed BETA for the of March!

Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!

  1. ingrid

    I have a leather handbag and accessories line and love it but also love the idea of sustainable and eco-friendly practices.

    So, I am going to attend the Green Manufacturers Expo this June in NYC to learn more about how I can incorporate more of these ideas into my business.

    Has anyone else heard or attended this Expo. And if anyone has info on leather sustainable practices, I would welcome hearing about it.


    • Nicole

      Hi Ingrid,

      Thanks for getting in touch! I have not attended the Green Expo as of yet but hope to attend in June.

      I would say that my impression is that it is for big business with large budgets for major production overhaul. This may not be completely accurate so please do not let it stop you from attending.

      To start, check out this resource for enviro-friendly leather.

      You may also want to check out F.I.T’s Ethical Design non-credit classes. For a small fee ($89, I think) you can attend 4 classes all about ethical fashion production. I attended in January and learned so much.

      I will scour my notes for any addition resources I can share.

      Hope this helps!

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