For the longest time we didn’t have a vision statement. Not that we didn’t have a vision for what StartUp FASHION would be, it’s just that we never got around to actually writing it down.
One day I decided to sit own and write (on the urging of my team) and I’m so glad I did. I wrote the statement as if it were a journal entry two years down the road. I talked about our successes, goals, team members, revenue, environment, and day to day operations. It was great. It really helped me to visualize what I want for this business and it made it so much easier for my team to understand where we are headed.
If you don’t have a vision statement written down, take an hour to write one. Think about what you want and then record it in a way that others will be able to read — meaning, no random bits of ideas scribbled on a napkin. It doesn’t have to be in story form, like mine. It can be in bullet points or more corporate speak— whatever makes sense for you and your brand. Then, don’t forget to share it with your team so you’re all on the same page!