Something that has become really apparent to me over the years is that as business owners, we can experience a roller coaster of emotions on a daily basis.
Some days we’re beating ourselves up for not doing enough — as though we’re supposed to be super productive no matter what. Some days we are, which is great. Other days, we are not. Sime days we are both– really productive in the morning and then the energy level dwindles and half the list doesn’t get done.
The thing is, all of these scenarios are absolutely ok. But we never seem to believe that.
Is any of this resonating with you? Are you struggling to feel any consistency in your days? Do you worry about how productive you’re being or whether you’re “supposed” to be doing more?
If so, I’m going to tell you that you are allowed to slow down and do less if you need to, without the guilt.
There is a large community of you that have other responsibilities such as childcare or working one or two jobs, all while building your dream business.
Others are dealing with things like anxiety.
Others are highly stressed about launches, marketing, selling, and keeping your fashion business afloat during a recession.
Others still are managing to stay positive and motivated some days while struggling other days.
And all of those responses are right. All of them are OK.
Building a business is a daily roaster of challenges and hiccups, learning and trying again, triumphs and progress.
So this is a note to tell you all that, no matter your situation, there are no right or wrong answers here. We are all dealing in our own way.
I realize you don’t need my permission to feel your feelings during the experience of building your business. I realize you don’t need my permission to have days that are not productive and positive. And I realize that you don’t need me to tell you that whatever your roller coaster looks like, there is nothing wrong with it.
But I know that many of you read these notes I write because you’re looking for encouragement and guidance and support.
And right now, encouragement, guidance, and support are coming in the form of permission.
Permission to move forward in whatever way you need. Permission to adapt to the roller coaster the best way you know how. Permission to do everything or nothing some days.
I hope that helps.
Lots of love and encouragement,