Here’s the thing, there’s a stigma attached to slow growth. It’s like, if we’re not all building businesses at lightning speed then they don’t really count as being businesses.
“You’ve been working on your clothing line for how many years?!” I think we’ve all heard some version of that question at some point.
I spent years feeling “less than” because my business hadn’t reached the level I so badly wanted it to, so I understand how it feels.
But no one should be given the power to make us feel as though our work doesn’t count simply because it’s not making money yet or it’s not making it possible to travel the world or it’s not allowing us to work the hours that suit us best.
Businesses take time to build.
And I realize that it’s easy for me to say this now that my business has reached the success I was after for so long. Touché, and all that.
But my hope is that by sharing this now, I can maybe prevent some of you from spending your days feeling anxious and worried and less than.
Because I did that, and it’s not fun.
So if you are one of those fashion business owners who feels as though nothing is happening fast enough and that a business isn’t a business until you’re 100% working for yourself, making good money, and working four hours a week (or some such thing), then I am asking you to consider a different approach.
Consider accepting slow growth.
I know, it’s pretty easy to say “yeah, OK, sure, I’m fine with slow growth. Done.” But that’s not really true, is it?
You need to mean it.
You need to spend some time thinking about what that means for you.
The difference here is how we feel about the slow growth, not others.
It’s about making the decision to grow slowly rather than desperately wanting to go, go, go. Or, more accurately, grow, grow, grow.
I hear you saying to me “Uh, I want to grow my business and the sooner, the better. What the hell are you talking about?”
I know. I’m not suggesting that you should snail your way to a money-making business.
I’m suggesting that you become comfortable with the idea of a calmer approach to business and set up some things in your life and your operations to make slow growth OK, if the business is growing slowly.
Here’s what I mean…
Scenario #1: you launch a fashion business, a famous influencer snaps a picture of it, you get so many orders that your site crashes in a good way, a buyer from Barneys sees the pic and places an order, Vogue has emailed you 4 times trying to get ahold of you about a feature, your orders are so many that you can now cut your cost of goods by 18% thereby increasing your profits, and you have 3 super star employees begging to work for you.
Don’t you just love when that happens?
Yeah, it never happens. (There’s no way you’re not answering that first email from Vogue)
Here’s the more likely situation…
Scenario #2: you launch a fashion business, can’t figure out why the online orders are much less than you anticipated, you don’t seem to hear back from any buyers even though you’ve pitched so many, editors are not yet interested in your story, you’re struggling to fund the next production run, though at this point you still have inventory so cutting another batch seems pointless, and you’re a one person operation struggling to find time to get everything done since you also have a “day job”.
I’m not trying to be a bummer, I’m just sharing what I hear from designers on a daily basis.
This business is hard. But it’s totally do-able, as long as you are open to being patient and accepting that slow growth may just be how it’s going to happen.
So what does slow growth mean?
Well, to me it means:
- Creating a signature product or very small collection to test the market
- Understanding that working a “day job” for a few years is a very likely possibility
- Remembering that there’s more to life than just work, and spending time with family and friends should not be ignored
- Finding joy and fun in the work you’re doing to balance the stress and worry
- Making a plan to allot time to work on your business rather than always feeling scattered and behind
- Setting incremental goals or milestone goals, rather than just large, overwhelming ones
- Practicing having a mindset of acceptance and patience with a healthy balance of ambition and hard work
Doesn’t just reading that create a sense of calm in you? I found myself releasing a deep breath when I finished writing it.
Do you see what I mean? Slow growth isn’t laziness. It’s not a lack of ambition or the act of admitting your business isn’t legit.
It’s the belief that life is busy, that business is just one part of life, and that everything goes by so fast it would be quite a shame to not be present.
It’s important to accept that things take time.
Who’s with me?
Lots of love and encouragement,
Debtor Finance
I want to start my own fashion business. This article is very helpful for me. I will remember and do what you said here. Thanks for sharing this.
Casey Cline
I’m glad this one helped you!
Laura Williams
I am a wholesale apparel rep who enjoys reading your posts. It gives me great insight into the designer’s world. Over the years, my late husband and I pioneered many start-ups, and there are so many obstacles to their success. How wonderful and generous of you to share your experience with those coming up now, and for offering them the encouragement they need while helping them set their expections.
Nicole Giordano
Thank you, Laura!