You know how sometimes it feels like you’re doing so very much to grow your fashion business but it doesn’t seem like all that work is having much of an impact?
I get that feeling.
Not so much anymore, because, honestly, you all are so incredible with sending me emails saying how much these blog posts help you. But in the past, when I was still trying to get this business off the ground, it often felt like the stuff I was doing was a waste of time.
So much work goes into everything we do with our businesses.
In particular with our blog posts, emails, and social media posts.
It’s so much work and it can feel at times like those messages are just going out into the ether only to float away without landing on anyone.
Who’s even reading this?
Does anybody actually care about this?
Why would anyone pay attention to this?
Is this actually helping my business?
Does this really matter?
Any of that sound familiar?
Sometimes, it can feel as though the work you’re doing is having no impact whatsoever. And it can be tempting to simply stop.
But I promise you, you’re having an impact.
Even though you might not yet be getting responses to the marketing emails you send, or tons of comments on the Instagram pictures you’re posting, or all that many link clicks on those blog posts you’re sharing, people are listening.
It may be a small amount of people, but still, they’re there.
If you’re taking the time to create thoughtful content, you’re on the right track.
What do I mean by that?
I mean, you’re writing from a place of passion. You’re talking about things that matter to you and your audience; your values, your ideas, thoughts, and opinions.
You’re not scared of being vulnerable and sharing your point of view, even if there’s a chance that it won’t be the popular opinion, and even if it makes you feel exposed to the world.
In my business, when I learned the art of taking the pain points of my audience (you all!) and sharing my vulnerable thoughts and feelings and experiences on the topic, I started to create actual relationships with you all.
We’ve become virtual buddies. And that’s really amazing.
But that takes time. And the only way to get there is to not let your brain tell you that no one is listening, that your work is having no impact.
I want to share something with you. It’s something that happened several years ago but is still incredibly relevant and worth sharing with you again.
Alyssa Woods, founder of an awesome brand called VAVA Lingerie and someone I met years ago at a meetup I hosted, posted the below image and caption on her brand’s Instagram.
It’s such an amazing example of what I’m talking about here in this post.
First, she shared her values and her vulnerabilities in a way that also provided support and encouragement to her audience, and the engagement that she received on this post proves how powerful that is.
Second, she shared how much receiving my emails every week has helped her with her business– showing me that all the work I put into my communication with all of you is actually having impact. I’m so humbled and grateful to read that.
And my goal in pointing it out is to remind you that you, too, can get there. You can get to the point where your audience tells you how much you’re helping them.
But you’re only gonna get there if you keep going.
Keep going. People are listening.
Lots of love and encouragement,
Thank you for posting this! I’m a designer working on launching my line within the next few years. One of my New Year goals “resolutions” for 2018 has been “make sure my efforts are producing results.” Over the years I have felt like none of my efforts to become a successful designer (with the exception of graduating from fashion school) have had any real effect in taking me where I want to be as a designer. Often times I feel like, why am I doing this? But, I know I can’t give up. This inspired me and helped me realize that it takes time, we all feel like that sometimes when working on our passions, and I just have to remain determined to reach my goals!