Meet BreakThrough DESIGNER Typhaney Shanker of Typhaney B. Listen, Learn, Connect.
1. What is your brand’s mission? How has it evolved since you started your business?
The mission of Typhaney B. Jewelry is to provide limited edition, and one of a kind handmade jewelry for people seeking out unique designs, quality craftsmanship, and a personal touch in a world of mass produced and manufactured products.
In the beginning of Typhaney B. I thought the only way to be competitive was to only offer one of a kind jewelry. Over the years I have evolved my mission to offer limited run designs to increase the viability and long term goals of my business. Since I still create every single piece and use many natural elements in my designs no two pieces are exactly the same so in some ways I still hold true to my original mission.
2. How would you describe your brand’s aesthetic?
Typhaney B. Jewelry’s aesthetic is a mix of simple elegance, to bold and edgy bohemian designs offering a little something for every woman and those with a passion for adornment.
3. What’s the most difficult aspect of running your business? What do you do to combat that?
One of the most difficult parts of my business to date is being a one woman show and keeping on top of all the administrative aspects of the business. I would prefer to design and create every day but I need to make sure that accounting is done, the website is up to date, and I keep up with social media marketing. I struggle with time management and it is something I am constantly trying to improve. I have recently been using a task management app on my phone and it really has been keeping me on top of my game.
4. Do you sell wholesale or primarily through your own website/retail location? What steps do you take to attain brand recognition, whether to wholesale buyers or retail consumers?
Currently I sell wholesale and through my own website. I use my logo on all aspects of my packaging and tags. I also stamp my brand on metal tags on finished pieces of jewelry. This way no matter where my jewelry is purchased my company can easily be located. I do a little bit of advertising with handmade product blogs, send postcards, and an occasional newsletter to keep people informed.
5. What social media platforms do you find most integral to your brand’s marketing? How do you utilize them to connect with your customers?
I am currently dependant on Twitter and Facebook for most of my social networking. I have learned that just updating the customers about sales and new jewelry is not enough for social media marketing, and that the customer is more interested in more personal aspects of an independent business. I have been trying to engage my customers by asking questions to start conversation and giving them images of works in progress. I have also started a blog which is a work in progress that will show a more behind-the-scenes look into my brand.
6. Can you describe in a few sentences your day to day?
An average day to day starts with a morning of social media updates, email, administrative tasks, and follow up from the day before. Preparing and packaging orders completed from the previous day. The bulk of the day is spent making new jewelry, photographing, editing, and updating website and line sheets. At the end of the day I try and research more opportunities for sales, sites to sell with, stores to contact, or events to participate in.
7. What are YOUR favorite brands? What do you admire most about them?
Alexis Bittar is my top pick for jewelry. Every collection from him is absolutely inspiring and beautiful. He has been designing for a long time and every year manages to create stunning jewelry adding new techniques and materials each time.
Tibi is my current favorite clothing brand because of the beautiful patterns and effortless style. I think woman of all shapes and sizes can look absolutely fantastic in Tibi!
8. One piece of advice you can offer the fresh faces of fashion?
The one piece of advice I have for the fresh faces in fashion is to stay focused and create goals for your brand. By giving yourself something to strive for you will know you are on the right track to being successful when those goals are reached and you can create new goals to move your brand forward.
9. What exciting things are in store for you in 2011?!
I have some pretty hefty goals for 2011. I plan on stepping up the wholesale portion of my business and have been reaching out to different types of trade shows to see where I would fit best. I hope to show at one or more by this summer.
Connect with Typhaney B.
Thanks Typhaney for a fabulous interview!
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