BreakThrough DESIGNER: d a c e

Whether it’s slimming waistlines, light breezy fabrics, or perfectly clean lines, clothing designer Dace Moore of d a c e has perfected the task of making women feel confident and classy.

The self taught seamstress from Okanagan Valley of British Columbia made her move to Vancouver, Canada at the early age of 17, where she would ultimately begin her fashion journey. Making handcrafted garments from thrifted vintage patterns, Moore established her career as a fashion designer. She manipulated the patterns to give each look a special touch, making her designs unique and one-of-a-kind. After getting her degree in Applied Design at Blanche Macdonald Centre, she was essentially pushed to launch her clothing line,  d a c e,  in 2002.

Moore likes to stress to the consumer that each garment is carefully constructed in their Vancouver studio, which guarantees lasting quality.  Her priority is to stay true to herself while designing pieces that are classy and feminine yet sophisticated with modern lines. With these objectives, d a c e is successfully growing rapidly and gaining more and more international attention everyday.

You can view every one of d a c e’s collections from 2007 to the present on her website in the form of galleries. In a series of photographs, Moore brings to our attention that every collection tells a fascinating story, which is therefore translated into every individual design.

Knowing what women want, Moore makes each garment versatile using designs that are sure to flatter a woman’s figure and make them feel confident and sexy. With the use of different promotions, Moore’s ultimate goal is to have “d a c e” recognized by people all over the world. Her most recent promotion is a free gift with any Fall purchase, which is available now on her site.

So, if you like thick cozy knits or light flowy chiffons, Moore promises that there is a classic feminine piece for you in one of the many d a c e collections. To learn more about Moore’s luxurious designs, you can visit d a c e online or find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Kaitlin Mattingly

Kaitlin Mattingly is currently a Fashion Marketing student at Woodbury University in Burbank, Ca. She is an enthusiastic fashion blogger who enjoys photography, fashion journalism, and design.