If you’ve been following my writing over the last couple of months you know that I am a big proponent of environmentally- conscience textiles. From Organic Cotton to Natural dyeing techniques, I love to share my findings with all my readers. So when I heard about a company that dyes and prints fabrics without the use of any water, I was amazed. How can this be? What do they use? I’ll tell you what they use. Air. Hence the company name, AirDye. They are able to dye and print fabrics that have all sorts of end-uses. So, go ahead, think beyond menswear and women’s wear apparel textiles to carpets, banners, car seats, outerwear, uniforms, accessories, and umbrellas. The possibilities are as endless as your imagination! As businesses in a field that is not exactly known for its friendliness to the environment, we can all benefit from hearing about and utilizing companies like this one. That’s just my humble opinion.
Sorry, I was incorrect. It is the company Transprint that is a Liscencee here in the states for Airdye that is struggling. They are the company I am looking for any current information on?
I have been reading of Airdyes current struggles but do you know if they are still open and running? I cannot seem to get any information on there website.
Hi Robin!
Thank you so much for sharing. I just heard about this event via the ever informative Facebook. Really looking forward to checking it out!
Robin Bertelsen
Thank you for featuring AirDye. I thought your readers might like to know about the Eco Fashion exhibit that opened today at the Museum at FIT in NY. The show has 200 pieces, some dating back to the 1800’s. And, we’re proud to be a part of the exhibit via a stunning rust-colored dress by Costello Tagliapietra. Here’s more info: http://su.pr/1ULeL9