How to Write Your About Section

As a writer constantly looking to find unique and interesting designers, I always check out the about section of a website. I think it’s one of the most important sections because it allows you to develop content about your brand and yourself to help differentiate you to your audience. No matter who your target is, there are certain things that your customer will want to know about your brand. Make it easy for them because you never know what piece of your story will be compelling enough to make someone get in contact with you, buy something or share your brand on social platforms.

When you begin to write your about section, here are the types of content you’ll want to consider:

  • Where are you from and where are you based? The world is all about communities and people want to know where you are from because it gives them a sense of familiarity and camaraderie. People love shopping local and if you can tap into this market, it’s one more network you have on your side.
  • Schooling, education and experience – All of this helps your credibility within the industry. If you have experience with a designer or had a great internship, add it to ground people in your background. You may not come from fashion and that’s okay too. Everyone likes to hear a good story and it’s just as inspiring to hear about a designer who has changed careers and broke into the industry in their own unique way.
  • Awards honors or affiliations- If you’ve won an award or are part of an organization, be sure to list this because this is another way to give yourself credibility. Plus, you may belong to the same network as someone who has come across your site and it may make it easier for that person to reach out to you.
  • Your beliefs – Sharing your brand’s beliefs can go along way. If your brand takes a particular stance such as Made in America, Made in New York or is based on a sustainable or artisan platform, this is one more way to set yourself apart.
  • Your Point-of-View and Personality – Here’s your chance to explain your brand’s point-of-view such as what distinct features and elements are unique to your collection that set yourself apart from other brands. You should be able to articulate that because people will want to know. Plus, it serves as your reference point as you build your collection each season.
  • Product & Material – Since your customer doesn’t have the luxury of seeing your products, you want to make sure you explain what fabrics and materials are used in the line. This will help you establish your quality cues, and combined with your price points, it will help your audience determine what consumer category you fall into (e.g. contemporary or bridge).
  • How and when you started – This goes back to building your story. Whether it’s working at a company for years and then started your own line, developed an idea that’s absolutely breakthrough or even began by working on your bedroom floor sewing samples (those are the best), be sure to share it. You’ll also want to let people know when you started, because there are a lot of people that are interested in emerging designers because you guys are the ones that are bringing fresh, creative designs to market!

Aside from your content, having a photo of yourself is vital to telling your story. People want to see the face behind the brand and in today’s social world, are looking for a more intimate experience from brands they buy. It could be an opportunity for you to show yourself in your brand!


StartUp FASHION is an online community where independent designers and emerging brands are coming together, helping one another, forming friendships, collaborating, letting off steam, sharing victories, and belonging to a network of people who get it; who are doing it too. We’re a place to access and discover the tools and information you need to build your fashion business. We help you define your path and give you the guidance, encouragement, and resources to follow that path.