This week has been tough. I woke up on Tuesday sad and mad about several things. The U.S. election is making me anxious. COVID is going nowhere any time soon. Another Black man was murdered by police, this time here in Philadelphia. The Supreme Court swore in a woman whose position threatens the safety and the lives of so many Americans. As I said, a tough week.
Maybe some of this stresses you out, too.
And if that’s the case, you might be wondering what to do about it.
While I certainly don’t have all the answers, I can tell you how I’ve been finding a way to process and proceed.
I have prioritized downtime to clear my head, refresh, and reset.
I am not talking about self-care. That’s a whole other thing that comes with a lot of privilege.
I’m talking about downtime to first clear my head and then to think, strategize, plan, and make decisions with clarity.
This is so important for making change in our lives, in our fashion businesses, and in society.
We have to find ways to refresh our brains and souls. We have to find ways to pull ourselves out of the stress, clear our heads, and reset our energy.
Not because the things I mentioned above are not important or don’t deserve and require our attention. It’s the opposite, actually. It’s because they matter so much. And it’s because our best work in our fashion businesses, our activism, and our lives can only happen when we’re clearheaded and able to focus.
When thinking about all that is happening in this world and in your own life, it’s so easy to feel defeated and sad and angry.
It’s so easy to wonder what your role can be in making change.
It’s so easy to wonder what the hell matters about the business of fashion.
It’s heavy. And it’s hard.
But it is not hopeless.
Our feelings are valid and we are allowed to feel them fully.
Our roles matter because whatever privileges we possess can be used to lift others up.
Our businesses matter because with business comes money and with money comes the ability to use it for good.
When the weight of things — politics, human rights, business, livelihood– is pressing on you and you’re looking for a way to process it all without completely losing your way (or your mind!), find a way to reset and refocus.
Find a way to clear your head so you can think.
This is the only way to come up with a clear plan. This is how you’ll see clearly and make decisions that are impactful and helpful and truly matter.
My hope is that this week’s musing doesn’t bum you out but instead helps you to see that at a time when many of us are struggling to know what to do, allowing ourselves space for clarity is the best way to see a path forward.
Lots of love and encouragement,