Have you paid much attention to what you focus on when it comes to your fashion business?
Do you tend to think more about all the things you wish you had for your business, rather than all the things you do have?
I know it’s it easier to default to all that you still need in your business rather than show gratitude for all that you already have. But let’s try to change that.
Because the energy you put out there when you’re focusing solely on what you still don’t have makes it difficult to leverage the assets you have, no matter how small, in order to grow and thrive in your business.
It’s as simple a concept as remaining positive while simultaneously working towards your goals rather than being negative and letting that stunt your progress.
Here are some statements that I hear all too often:
If only I had a mentor.
Everything would be easier if I had more money.
I need an office away from the kitchen table but my home is too small.
I have no time to get everything done but I can’t afford to hire anyone.
And so on and so on.
I get it. All of those complaints are absolutely valid.
But here’s the thing- it doesn’t matter if they’re valid. If at present they can’t be changed, then it’s your job as an entrepreneur to turn that negative talk into positive talk, work with what you’ve got, and focus on the growth you’re after rather than the things that are keeping you from that growth.
I know that is easier to say than to do.
And I realize that when you’re working to grow a fashion business, resources are often limited and the exhaustion from trying to make it work without those resources is difficult to work through.
I’m not saying that you should ignore your business needs.
I’m saying that you should focus on what you have at your disposal and make a plan for how you’ll use the resources and assets that you do have to work towards the goal of getting what you still need.
Think of it like this . . .
Have: 500 email subscribers
Need/Want: 5,000 email subscribers
Focus: Ideas and strategies for engaging, impressing, and connecting with your 500 email subscribers.
Result: Your email subscribers talk about and share your brand with their friends because they think you’re awesome, thus increasing your subscribers and being on your way to 5,000.
See how that is much more productive and powerful than . . .
Need/Want: 5,000 email subscribers
Focus: My list isn’t growing, this is so frustrating! Maybe I need to do Facebook ads. But I don’t have money for FB ads. Forget it.
Growth is all about perspective and focus.
Keep that in mind the next time you catch yourself focusing on the negative, OK?
Lots of love and encouragement,
Thanks nicole. I know for sure to focus on what I have and not what I do not have.