Stoll Fashion and Technology Knitting Center Open House

Always two years ago we shared with you our discovery of Stoll Fashion and Technology Knitting Center, a very useful resource in the New York garment district for fashion designers interested in working with knits.

Because it’s been almost two years, we thought it would be a good idea to remind you about this awesome place and it’s free pattern library for machine made knitwear.   If you design knitwear or would like to explore the possibility of designing knitwear and you’re in the greater New York area, you may want to consider attending the Stoll Open House on March 29th and 30th.  You’ll get to see the entire garment construction process from designing to linking.

Stoll Fashion and Technology Knitting Center
250 W. 39th, b/w 7th and 8th
10am – 6pm

Nicole Giordano

Nicole is the founder of StartUp FASHION, an online resource and community supporting for independent designers around the world with building their businesses. A deep love for the craft of fashion paired with an adamant belief that success is defined by the individual, led her to found StartUp FASHION, where she helps independent designers and makers screw the traditional fashion business rules, create their own paths, and build businesses they truly love. More than anything else, she’s in the business of encouragement and works every day to remind makers and designers that they have something special to offer the world and that they can, in fact, do this thing!