The other day I went to my exercise class– I take barre three times a week. I love it but when I first started, I was nervous because I had no experience with this kind of exercise.
I didn’t want to look silly, I didn’t want to feel exposed, and I didn’t want to hold anyone else back with my lack of knowledge, so I took a spot in the very back corner of the room.
I was comfy in my protected little zone.
And until three days ago, I have gone directly to that same exact spot 3 times a week for years.
I’m serious. I have not changed up a thing because that convenient corner was comfortable, protected, and I knew what I would see and experience.
Well, as you may guess, showing up to class three days ago, I found a stranger in my spot.
There she was, a new face, probably feeling exactly how I felt in the beginning. She had taken over my spot and now I had to make a change.
I had to stand somewhere else and it made me very uncomfortable.
I didn’t want to be pulled from what I knew.
In a moment of panic, I decided on a spot in the dead center of the room.
And, my goodness, did my perspective change.
As class started I realized how much this new perspective was doing for me.
There was a confidence in my performance.
I felt strong and experienced.
Looking at the class from a new vantage point helped me to see new things. I chatted with new people. I had a better view of the teacher and improved my form.
In one session, I started to become a better barre student.
Do you see where I’m going with this?
When we avoid changing our perspective, we avoid growth.
So how does this little story translate to business?
Well, what if you . . .
- Worked from a new space for a little while (go ahead and hit up that coffee shop you’ve been eyeing).
- Navigated your website as if it belonged to someone else, noticing what changes need to be made and what the experience is like.
- Put a positive spin on things, rather than focusing on the negative.
- Made decisions in your business thinking about how those decisions serve your audience, rather than always thinking about the sale.
- Reminded yourself that you are capable, even if you’re not yet experienced. Rather than thinking about everything you don’t know, zero in on what you do know.
- Focused on the lessons you’ve learned rather than the failures you’ve experienced.
There are so many areas where you can change your perspective and in doing so, change your course to growth.
A new perspective will have such a major impact on your ability to grow as a person and as a business.
How will you change your perspective?
Lots of love and encouragement,
Hello Nicole,
It will be unfair if I do not commend you for the impressive work you are doing for young entrepreneurs around the globe. However, I will be grateful if you share some words with me on the following question: How can someone who is not a tailor (like me) set up his or her own business Fashion business?
Nicole Giordano
Hi Lagamy! Thanks for your kind words. If you are not a tailor or seamstress, then you need to hire people to do the work (pattern maker, sample maker, team of tailors/seamstresses or factory for production). Hope that helps!