Let’s talk about goals. There’s something that happens as we create goals for ourselves. Sometimes, if those goals are scary, we subconsciously find things that we need to have or do before we can get started.
We hold ourselves back without realizing it, telling ourselves that we need something, when often what we need is right in front of us.
Here’s what I mean.
The people, information, and resources that we need in order to accomplish our goals, already exist.
We just have to get used to looking for them and actually seeing them.
When we create this habit and change our mindset, we start to see real impact on our businesses.
I think it’s easy to believe that we don’t yet have what we need to be happy or accomplished or ready in our businesses. The problem with this mindset is that we will never feel that we do. We’ll never feel like everything is in the perfect place to get started.
I truly feel that often, what we need is right in front of us. We’re just not seeing it.
I’m going to break this down into a couple of examples.
This idea can certainly be applied to a broad, more existential, life lesson. The idea that we have so much more than most and in that, we are able to seek out and find what we need to be happy and content. This is something I think we all have found ourselves forgetting every now and then– like when we experience a little Instagram scrolling envy.
And the above example is important and real, and something we should all try to remember.
But, I think this concept applies to really specific things, as well.
What I’m talking about is the understanding that so much of what we want to do in our businesses can be accomplished by looking at what we have already created.
Whether we’re talking product design, marketing ideas, or something else entirely.
Here’s another example– I’ve been working on my marketing plan for StartUp FASHION and one of the things I want to do more of is video. The reason I haven’t done more video is because every time I sit down to work on it, I feel completely overwhelmed by the amount of content I need to prepare.
“I don’t have time to write these scripts!” is what I say to myself. This became my go-to excuse.
I eventually started to get on my own nerves with this excuse and sat down to actually work on video content.
Once I stopped allowing myself to make excuses, I realized that every piece of content I need is already written. In blog post form! I have over 2000 blog posts on this blog and if I’d just open my eyes, I would see that about 90% of them could be turned into helpful and informative videos.
Do you see what I mean? It’s all in the mindset.
If we keep telling ourselves that we don’t have what we need to execute on an idea, it may never get done.
But if we stop and ask ourselves, “How can I tap into what I already have to bring this idea to life?”, I bet we’ll find ourselves accomplishing a whole lot more of the ideas and goals we want to achieve.
Try not to feel like you are constantly without what you need, OK?
Lots of love and encouragement,