I’m a fan of sharing encouraging words on the StartUp FASHION Instagram feed. I think that in an industry that often does a good job of making people feel excluded or not worthy, an encouraging word can be the difference between keeping going and giving up.
But what happens when encouraging words and fancy Instagram quotes fall flat?
Encouraging words are great, but unless they instill action, they aren’t actually helping.
Here’s what I’m getting at. I want to be that encouraging voice in your head telling you that you can do this. Because I believe that you can. I want you to have someone in your side, reminding you that…
…you get to make your own rules in this crazy industry
…you don’t have to have a business degree or a design degree to be successful
…you are in charge of creating the life and the business you want, no one else
…you may feel like it’s impossible, but it’s not, keep going
I also want to provide you with the tools you need in order for those encouraging words to be true. That’s why I created the StartUp FASHION Community. If I stopped at encouraging words, I wouldn’t be all that helpful.
So once that’s done, once I’ve encouraged you, and given you the tools, success is in your hands. You have to listen to those encouraging words and use those tools to take action.
You have to make a plan, get organized, push past the hesitations, and do it. Do whatever it is that you say you’re going to do. Move forward, take steps, make decisions.
Someone recently told me “I don’t need to read encouraging quotes, I need to make my business work.” Fair enough. But what’s holding you back from making your business work? Could it be tied into a fear of failure? A lack of putting yourself out there, even when it’s scary? A confusion about what to do next? A need for help?
Whatever it is, encouraging words is where it starts, actionable tools are what moves it forward, and you, dear designers, is what makes it happen!
So the next time you read an encouraging word on Instagram, don’t let it fall flat. Use it as fuel to move forward and take action in your business.
Ask yourself, why do these words resonate with me? What is it that I need to hear right now? Where am I holding myself back? What action can I take at this very minute to capitalize on the momentum of this encouragement?
If you can take an encouraging word and, rather than clinging to it as a life raft, use it to actually get up and do something about getting what you want, then you are one step closer than so many others who believe that effort stops with the pep talk.
Lot of love and encouragement,
P.S. Membership to StartUp FASHION is now open for a limited time. Hope you’ll join us!