Dear Designers,
You know those days or weeks when you have it all planned. You know exactly what you’re going to do each day to have maximum productivity and really #makeStUFhappen? You’re so pumped because you can already feel the satisfaction of spending a chunk of time concentrating and focusing, and getting those tasks checked off the list!
Side note confession: Am I the only one who adds things to my list even if they’re already done, just so I can check them off?
Anyway, it’s a great feeling. It’s one that I aim for every week. But something I’ve come to realize is that it rarely works out that way.
It seems inevitable but every week something pops up that pulls my attention from that plan I had. Sometimes it’s personal (like a member of my household coming down withe flu) or professional (like our email isn’t working properly) but either way, there’s a distraction. And, in particular, a distraction that can’t be ignored. Serious things that need to be addressed and therefore make us feel like what we were so ready to rock at this week, is now on the back burner.
I used to get really down about this little phenomenon. I used to feel defeated and not great at my work. If I’m being completely honest I also used to feel a little sorry for myself — like “here we go again, why does something always pull me away from my work?”
For whatever reason I let this situation make me feel like I was falling behind, not keeping up, and ultimately not really prepared for what it takes to run a business.
Oh how misguided I was.
I was so wrong. It’s OK. This is what business is about — juggling, problem solving, and adjusting expectations are all things we deal with regularly.
Best laid plans, and all….
Here’s what I learned. The trick to not letting yourself get down about the stuff getting in your way, is to pretend you don’t know that it’s going to happen! Don’t stop planning your weeks and setting goals. Keep going.
Plan anyway, that way, if you can get done even half of what you planned to, then you’re still ahead of the game.
Listen, designers, I see too many business owners aiming for perfect. We’re not perfect and we won’t ever be. We can only do what we’re able to do and when things aren’t quite getting checked off as quickly as we’d like, we have to cut ourselves some slack. Keep going, check off those things that you do get done, and celebrate even the smallest of wins. Because every little thing we do takes us closer to our goals and dreams.
You got this.
Lots of love and encouragement,