When it comes to your business, do you sometimes find yourself with the best intentions but nothing to show for them?
Yeah, me too. It happens to all of us from time to time.
Sometimes as business owners we simply don’t do what we say we’re going to do. We slip up. We have all these good intentions but, for whatever reason, we don’t do them.
One reason this happens is because we’re not perfect, we’re human.
We have bad days, hurt feelings, missed goals, weaknesses, struggles, and indecision.
And that’s OK.
But when it keeps happening over and over again and we’re finding that none of our goals are being reached, it’s probably a good idea to dig in a little deeper and figure out what’s going on. There might be something more impacting our ability to do the things we say we’re going to do, the things we want to do.
When we feel all over the place, scattered, and unclear on our next move, and we realize that we keep slipping up, keep pushing back deadlines, keep adjusting goals, sometimes the issue is a lack of clarity.
Lack of clarity over what we need to do to reach our goals or a lack of clarity about why we’re doing it in the first place.
If we allow this lack of clarity to take over, we’ll never reach the goals we have.
It’s important to recognize when this is happening and do something about it.
Create a plan. Learn something new. Get focused. I talk a lot about this in the free class I offer for those of you who are working hard to launch your business but can’t seem to get there yet. You can watch that class here.
Whatever you do, when you have a goal, and day after day, week after week, you feel l like you are slipping up and nothing is getting accomplished, figure out what you can do to take action, even if it’s not perfect, so that you stop hoping to reach that goal and actually reach it.
Lots of love and encouragement,

Cleah Murray
Hey Nicole ,
Thanks for keeping it real!