One of the benefits of running my own business is having the ability to travel whenever I’d like. When I travel, I tend to do so for an extended period of time. I know that it impacts my business. Sometimes in a great way and sometimes in a not-so-great way.
Either way, I’ve learned that I put way too much pressure on myself to make things perfect and to get absolutely everything done in every circumstance.
And that’s just silly.
Do you make yourself crazy while trying to balance all the work you have to do? I hear you. It can feel incredibly overwhelming.
We put pressure on ourselves over everything, don’t we?
The number of hours we work in a day, the number of emails we send that week, the amount of designing we have time for, and a million other seemingly incredibly important things we need to do and do well and do fast.
I think this happens for a variety of reasons.
First, there’s the perfectionist that seems to live in a lot of us. Everything has the potential to be a little bit better so we have to push ourselves to make sure we get there.
Then there’s the incredible amount of reading and research and advice we take in. There are so many experts, advisers, and blogs (this one included!) that are telling us what we need to do. We take it all in and then freak out trying to make sure we get it all done.
Next there’s this feeling of needing to be further along in our lives and our fashion businesses than we are. We’re not yet where we want to be so we’re making ourselves crazy trying to get there.
The pressure that we put on ourselves can be so damaging to our bodies and to our minds.
Here’s the thing:
We’re the only ones putting this much pressure on ourselves. And if we’re not careful we’re gonna get to the point where we no longer enjoy what we’re doing. Then what?
We all have to realize that building something great takes time and while we’re in the midst of it, we have to stop putting the pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect.
It’s messing with our health, our relationships, and our sanity. It’s keeping us from enjoying the journey we’re on. And it’s making us think that if we don’t reach “perfection” or get everything done, or hit those goals exactly, then we’re failing.
So from now on, when the pressure is on, and you’re about to enter into “I’m not good enough” mode, take a deep breath, stretch your arms over your head, think about why you’re doing what you’re doing, come to terms with the fact that you are only one person, and let yourself smile at all that you have already accomplished.
Lots of love and encouragement,

This are really true words coming ftom someone who really understood and have been in the process. Thank you.
This article really resonated with me..especially the part about it affecting your health, relationships and overall sanity. You can go CRAZY trying to get it all done, especially when you are a solo-entrepreneur and there is no one around to “pace” you. It’s such a scary thing. We have to pace ourselves, and when we are driven (and perfectionists), this notion is non-existent.
Thanks for writing this article!
Love your posts Nicole! Thanks for the much needed pep talk 🙂
Nicole Giordano
Thank you, Alex! I’m so glad you enjoy them. I didn’t used to write posts like these Friday musings (I wrote mainly just mainly business tips and some business advice). But then I realized that if we’re all going through the same crap, why not talk about it?
Addie Olutola
Thanks for the post Nicole. That’s a really good advise that I’ll keep in mind when things get overwhelming. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into writing your blog. You are simply fabulous! I also admire the fact that you’re traveling while managing your business! That’s the ultimate goal for me! Keep up the good work Nicole! Much love and respect!
Nicole Giordano
Thank you so much, Addie! That means a lot.
Your posts are always so on point. I recently launched a t-shirt company and your posts lately have been speaking to exactly how I’ve been feeling. Thanks you.
Nicole Giordano
Thanks, Jessica! I’m so glad that the posts have resonated with you. I realized one day that if we’re all going through this, we should be talking about, sharing notes, and encouraging one another to push past it and so we can do what we love. 🙂