Here’s a huge myth about running a fashion business…
“What you need to succeed is a fantastic creative idea.”
Great ideas in and of themselves go nowhere. You need a plan and a way to implement the plan strategically.
Don’t wait for the “perfect concept” or the “right time.” There is never a guarantee that your product will work. That’s what being an entrepreneur is all about, feeling the fear and moving forward despite these concerns.
The truth is, most successful entrepreneurs take an idea that’s already been done and do it better. You never need to invent or create completely from scratch. I’m not saying to rip people off, but reference what’s working and go from there.
The following are a few things that you should do now:
Go out there and find out what’s really selling in your market.
Get out from behind your computer and hit the streets! Go shopping when it’s slow, ideally a Monday or a Tuesday. Ask the salespeople what’s really selling well, and keep your mind open to the idea of adding similar options to your line. Of course, it has to align with your brand and your vision, but don’t discount something just because it could be a new concept to your line.
Keep track of your research.
Keep everything in one place and mark the day and time you visited each store, the feedback you received, and what specific ideas you can use from each store visit.
Don’t believe your friends and family.
They mean well, but they’re probably not experts in your field. What they do know is you, and they love you, so they tend to like every idea that you’ve ever had. Just because “everyone” loves your concept does not mean they would actually pay money for it.
What will make someone buy from you and not “them”?
Nail down exactly what your one great idea is and what excites you about it. Get some real clarity on how your product can and should stand out in the marketplace. While you don’t have to re-invent the wheel, you do need to understand what makes your product different (better, faster, easier) than what’s out there.
Keelin Brett
Great advice! Thanks!